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Ministry Work

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Fellowship Ministry Team is a wonderful way to meet everyone at Christ Our Redeemer.  We gather together to do all the events that mean preparing, serving and eating special dinners, etc. We also have a lot of fun being involved with these projects.
Contact:         Candice Fraga

                     Sharon Fraga





Christian Education Ministry

The COR Christian Education Ministry team is focused on providing the best possible education experiences to people of all ages - separately and together - through Sunday School and Children’s Church, middle and high school youth activities, and various current and planned Bible study groups, in a nurturing and loving environment.

Our excellent, Director of Faith Formation, Deacon Tara Friedrichs, collaborates with the team members and other groups within and outside COR as she and the team plan and implement the educational and inspirational activities that Tara communicates through his emails, COR website page, Newsletters and Facebook postings.
Contact person:          Tilly Anderson

If you’ve ever smiled and said hello to a stranger, you’ve been part of outreach! We greet everyone on Sunday mornings and hope to set the tone for a great worship experience. We make sure your name gets spelled right on a printed name tag for future visits.
Are you a new homeowner in the area? We’ll drop off a welcome gift to help you feel at home.
“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:1-2. We are reminded of Christ’s love for each of us-friends and strangers alike. Good news indeed to share-in even the most unlikely situations....Outreach Team
Contact person:          Christina Mayorga


Member Care Ministry

Member Care Ministry Team serves our COR church family by providing support services to those in need, instructive programs for life events and health & wellness topics, and organizing special events for seniors, new members, and church gatherings.

- Support Services include hosting funeral receptions, maintaining food bank,       delivering altar flowers, responding to member requests.
- Instructive Programs include health fair, special interest sessions with guest   speakers.
- Special Events include Senior Fest, new member luncheon and ALOA gatherings.
Contact person:  Diana Lyles     




Social Ministry Team initiates and coordinates volunteer services and financial support to agencies beyond our church walls: local, statewide, national, and international. We also provide educational materials to the congregation about opportunities for service to the community. Social Justice issues are shared to encourage Christian citizenship and stewardship. We support missions in Haiti and Sierra Leone, Metropolitan Ministries, ELCA World Hunger, Feeding Tampa Bay, Lutheran World Relief, Judeo-Christian Clinic, and Lutheran Services Florida.


Contact person:            Janis Van Bibber





The Worship Team is entrusted with the responsibility of working to enhance the worship service for all those who gather to receive  the word and sacraments. There are many groups who assist in this mission. The Altar Guild prepares the elements for the worship services. The Ushers greet old and new members alike as well as guests. Lay Assistants help the pastors during the service Communion Assistants and Lay Assistants administer the elements. Acolytes also assist with the service. Members of our Worship Team are also responsible for planning the amazing music that enriches each Sunday service as well as special services. 
Contact person:  Jeanne Singagliese                

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It has been said that one of the most delightful and rewarding ways to serve in a congregation is to become a part of its music ministry. Proclaiming the love and mercy of Christ through music is a privilege and a joy. At COR we are blessed to offer several opportunities in both vocal and instrumental groups. We are always ready to welcome new singers and instrumentalists to our music ministry family.


Parish Choir

Our 35 member parish choir leads worship on non-Americana Sundays and for special services from September through the end of May. We rehearse on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.




COR (Christ’s Own Ringers) Ringers rehearse on Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. We have a full 5 octave set of Mallmark handbells and 3 octaves of chimes. We are always looking for ringers and are willing to train anyone interested.


One Accord

One Accord is the group that leads worship on the first Sunday of each month in what we call the Americana Service. Violin, Viola, Oboe, Stringed Bass, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, and Piano plus a quartet of vocalists make up the ensemble. They lead worship in a vibrant and enthusiastic style.


In addition to these groups, we have many fine instrumentalists who give of their time and talent to accompany the choirs or help lead worship on Sundays. We welcome anyone with the heart to serve in our music ministry.


Contact person:          Elizabeth Chester

                                Chris Robinson



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The Property Committee is responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and repairs of all the church property and buildings. We have approximately six acres of ground with five separate, detached buildings. Committee responsibilities consist primarily of support and coordination with our property manager and coordinating “work days“. The property manager's job includes many duties from lawn and grounds keeping, the irrigation system, HVAC and electrical systems, fire and security systems, electrical and plumbing, safety, security and general maintenance of all the church property. They are also responsible for securing bids from contractors for large projects requiring professional assistance.
Contact person:       Ken Oleson


THE TABLE Lutheran Campus Ministry

THE TABLE Lutheran Campus Ministry: A welcoming space in which young adults  can come to strengthen their relationship with God, cultivate their calling in the world, and connect with others through faith conversations, community service, and fellowship events.

Contact person: Deacon Tara Friedrichs


Todd Anderson


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Bob Singagliese
Pres. Elect


Sharon Occhipinti             Secretary

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John Bauder - Tresurer



Kevin Sigl - Fin. Secretary


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