Last week, we were (re) introduced to Jesus. You asked some REALLY GOOD questions about Jesus’ being both human and divine, the problem of evil in the world and how prayer works. Now we’re going to dig even deeper looking at each of the four gospels. They all tell the story of Jesus, but all of them have their own PERSPECTIVE.
Matthew is all about connecting the promises of the Old Testament, especially the prophets. Jesus is MESSIAH, that is the promised and anointed King in the line of David. Jesus’ step dad was Joseph we know that from the Christmas pageants we’ve been in. Joseph had some really powerful dreams. So did another Joseph in the book of Genesis. Matthew likes to point out those connections.
Our time together on Sunday is not just to memorize fun or weird facts about Jesus. This time is to show each other that WE are ALL connected to this incredible story. We ask hard questions. We don’t get easy answers. But Jesus is Immanuel. That’s what the angel told Joseph who Jesus would be for all of us. That name means “God With Us.” Jesus really is. See you Sunday.
